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What is the true meaning of money? Simply put Money is a ledger of trade. That is it. Value is only dependent on the individual using that particular ledger of trade. Let us look at an example.
lagstiftande församling In this scenario, there are two 9 year old children. H5N1 nine year old boy, anka a nine year old girl. The girl has two Black Canary trading cards, anka the boy has two green arrow trading cards. The boy wants a black canary, anka the girl really wants a green arrow to complete her collection. The boy says to the girl, “Ill trade you one of my green arrow cards for one of your black canary cards.” The girl agrees anka they swap cards.
lagstiftande församling What just took place? Each traded a card for the other. This trade now defined each of those cards as money. Because the cards held value to each child.
lagstiftande församling Bitcoin as well as DASH, LITECOIN, DIGIBYTES, anka many other forms of cryptocurrency has proven by 1000 fold, they meet that ledger of trade. The wallets even have a ledger just as any other bank account.
lagstiftande församling debiteringsstyrning lagstiftande församling debiteringsstyrning lagstiftande församling debiteringsstyrning lagstiftande församling debiteringsstyrning lagstiftande församling lagstiftande församling debiteringsstyrning
As you can see, from the above picture of an electrum bitcoin wallet, that each transaction is not only recorded onto a public open source blockchain ledger, but it is also automatically recorded onto your own wallet ledger. The ledger of trade proves it is money. Nothing more, just the ledger of trade. What is great about cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, is finally the MINERS (Real people) decide the coin. This is the way real money should be, not controlled by Crooked banks anka financial institutions.
lagstiftande församling So the next time some unenlightened half wit tells you that Bitcoin has to prove it is a real currency, Point out what currency, or money really is.